How to get started on a treadmill
Energize's COVIDSafe cleaning tips
Treadmill Workout & Course functions
Outdoor Groups Trailer
Finally we can train you, face-to-face again! We can SEE the beads of sweat running down your face! Yesss! All sessions have multiple levels to suit all abilities. No bookings required, show up (behind Energize) 10 mins early with your water, towel and mat (if you have one!) and let’s do it!
Treadmill Safety Clip - emergency stop feature
Abs of steel
Lets work on those rock-hard abs with this easy-to-follow exercise! Several levels to suit all abilities!
Energize Cleaning Covid Video 1
How to use a spin bike - Introduction to indoor spin cycling
From a younger Elisha and Martin... with a 3 month pregnant Elisha!
Front Raise
Dumbbell Fly (Swissball)
Rear Deltoid
Life Fitness Row
Cability Cable Push-Ups (Swissball)
Body-weight resistance circuit with Mitch
Full body workout using your own body weight.
Lateral Raise Front Raise
Bicep Curl
Movement and Mobility with Mitch
Plank Challenge 15 second rounds
Total Body Weight Workout by Sarah
A fab all over body workout using your body weight - no equipment needed.
Filmed at Energize Health Club, Belrose, Australia
www.energizehealthclub.com.auEndorsed by the Lifestyle Medicine Society
Louise's Core Strength Challenge
10 Minute Upper Body + Back Stretch
3x3x3 _ Low Impact Workout